Sunday, February 15, 2009

Come what may and love it!

In church today one of the men that spoke in sacrament talked about a conference talk given by Elder Wirthlin.

This talk fit so well with the feelings or lack there of that I had been having over the last couple of weeks. And it also tied in nicely to a comment my friend made on the phone last night. Sister Svendsen, I guess I can call her by her first name now, Brooke told me last night on the phone; After I explained that I was still having a hard time adjusting to real life again, said "I had the same problem until one of my friends told me that I was the one complicating my life". She went on to tell me that life is simple. At the moment she told me that I was doing one of those eye rolls and thinking to myself, yeah right life is just complicated. However, that night on my knees in prayer I was impressed upon to reconsider. But of anyone that knows me I am pretty persistent when decided upon a course of action. So I wasn't fully convinced. ( I am kind of embarrassed to admit that but hey we all make mistakes, mine are just a little more frequently occurring than others) But what really convinced me was today in church. When this person was speaking about not getting caught up in adversity but understanding Gods divine purpose and moving forward. I have been so focused on not letting myself and others down, I forgot to dance in the rain. I am not referring to the music scene that includes Fred Austere. But I got that idea from my mother when I was on my mission. She wrote me a story about how a man traveled alot to this certain town. When he was in the town it always seemed to rain. but on one occasion when he had brought his son along his son asked why do the people golf in the rain, work in the rain, travel in the rain. And the man noticed that his son was right even though it was raining this was an active community and he realized if they didn't do it in the rain they wouldn't do it at all. The man in Sacrament also told the story of a professional baseball player that was only Born with one arm, but instead of giving up he pursued his dream of playing baseball. And it became a fairy tale. He danced in the rain. Our rain clouds might be different then his but that doesn't matter as long as we choose not to let the rain push us inside. We gotta Dance! Speaking of fairy tales my friend Brooke also informs me that life is a fairy tale and we are the authors. It's all what you make it to be. It's nice to have friends who believe in fairies. and Who encourage you to dream big.

My new goals
2.Instead of groaning, laugh
3.write my own fairy tale, one life experience at a time.
4.Come what may I am going to love it.

If someone doesn't understand what I mean by church, sacrament, conference, mission or God. Let me know and we will talk.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am happy I could be of help, but what you said here is more profound than what I said. I love it. Also it's true: I do believe in peri-peri... :)
